Sunday, April 10, 2011


So I've used my new sewing machines for two projects this week!  

First, I made curtains for my bathroom.  Nothing overly difficult, just hemmed some fabric, mostly to get a feel for the machine. 

Second, I used this tutorial from Stitched In Color (which is one of my favorite blogs to read) to make a quilted pillow cover.  This is the first time I've EVER quilted anything, so of course I dove right in and free motion quilted both pillow top and bottom.  I tried to do this looped meandering stitch, but it is far from perfect.  I chose thread that matched the fabric so the many imperfections are not really noticeable.  Also instead of making a LOVE pillow (I'm mostly an ant-Valentine's Day type), I stitched part of my blog header onto it because I really like that design.  The zipper isn't great, but the invisible zipper tutorial within the pillow tutorial is phenomenal and I suggest everyone bookmark it for future reference!

(this is the best picture I could get of the quilting =/)

Next up is a quilted chalk bucket that my friend Lauren in Nashville helped draft a pattern for!

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