Saturday, July 21, 2012

zucchini bread recipe.

Today I made zucchini bread because I've been getting a lot of zucchini from my garden.  I used a new recipe and it's definitely the best recipe so far!  I got the recipe here but altered it a bit.  
  • I used regular white sugar because I have no idea what sucanat is
  • 3 extremely well packed cups of grated zucchini instead of 2.5 (seriously..I have a lot of zucchini)
  • I didn't use applesauce, but I added about 1/4 cup of light syrup (not maple syrup, just light pancake syrup)
  • I added about 1/4-1/2 cup of fat free milk
  • I used 3 cups of white whole wheat flour and no pastry flour
  • I added about 1/2 cup of mini chocolate chips!
I went out and bought new bread pans especially for this!  Extra delicious..I'm glad it turned out so well.  They didn't rise very high, I think due to the different flour?  Whole wheat flour is a bit heavier, or so I've read.

I also went outside climbing today and found this rock.  ALL I CAN THINK OF IS HARRY POTTER.

Friday, July 20, 2012

doing work!

I'm working very hard on a secret project right now for my niece.  And unfortunately, I can't give details because my step sister reads this occasionally and I don't want to spoil the surprise!

I finished Breaking Bad this morning, and I need a new series to watch while I work.  

And now, one of the best videos on YouTube at this moment.  I cannot stop watching it.  MAGNETS!


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

just so we're all on the same page..

This week I have been making the best breakfast ever (except for Monday because I was off sick and slept in) and it only takes about 3 minutes.  Overnight Oats.  The best invention/creation/easy food right at this moment.  It's very simple.  
  • 1/2 cup of whole grain oats
  • 1/2 cup of low fat vanilla or plain yogurt
  • spoonful of peanut butter
  • some milk (I really mean have to find the amount that works for you, I've been using about 1/3 cup)
to a bowl and stir all together.  Put in the fridge and you're done.  In the morning, take out, add your favorite toppings (I've been using dried cranberries and blueberries but you can use whatever you like), stir it up and eat.  You're welcome!

Monday, July 9, 2012

another completed afghan!

I FINALLY finished my second stashbuster blanket early Saturday morning.  According to Ravelry, I started it on December 26, 2010 so clearly I'm the slowest crocheter in the world (or the most easily distracted).  I got rid of 11 skeins of yarn making this project, made 66 hexagons and only had to purchase one to finish the borders.  It's mostly Impeccable Loops & Threads but there's some other stuff thrown in there as well.  The hexagons are from Beyond the Square and I think all 5 different ones are shown in the second picture.

I also finished the Game of Thrones series and, like the loser I am, just started reading book 1 because I have nothing better to do!  

I also explored my garden today.  Because I live in an apartment on the second floor, I can only put container plants on my balcony.  At my mom's, I've planted a bunch of different vegetables that are growing pretty well.  The zucchini, peppers and cucumbers are growing fantastically, and I've got quite a few baby pumpkins! 

Random dead bird next to my zucchini plants.  Now I don't want to eat anymore of them!

I saved a poinsettia plant my mom gave me for Christmas in 2011 and it's growing great, but it's all green.  I'm going to have to figure out when to cover it so it's red by Christmas!!