Sunday, November 13, 2011

long time, no posting.

Once again, I am a terrible blogger.  I spent the entire summer trying to be outside as much as possible and as a result, I made next to nothing.  Now that Christmas is coming/it is getting colder, I've started crafting again!

A lot has happened since my last post and I will try and keep it brief:

  • I finished my first quilt! (Pics to come soon, it's at my parents house..)
  • I started my second quilt (tonight actually!  Using this Moda recipe and am loving it so far)
  • I ran my first 10k and registered for the Disney Princess Half Marathon (I also convinced my mom to do the 5k with me!)  I also destroyed my foot doing the 10k and haven't been able to run since, I'm hoping to start again tomorrow.  
  • I bought a cyclocross bike and a mountain bike and having begun riding again.
  • I continued rock climbing and spent 3 days camping and climbing in the woods of West Virginia.
  • I created a really epic pattern for a chalk bucket, made one and will never make it again!
  • I've discovered a really horrible allergy to....something.  I have no idea, but I've had hives for the last month and may actually go insane due to the itchyness.

Now I'll give you a visual of some of the items on that list!
Craig and I's mountain bikes!  Mine is the blue, Craig's is the pink.  We don't conform to gender stereotypes :D

Wicked 10k, Virginia Beach right after I finished and right before the downpour!

Start of the race!
Cooper's Rock, WV.  Photo by Joslyn McKenzie.
Cooper's Rock, WV.  Photo by Joslyn McKenzie.
My lovely chalk bucket!  I LOVE this fabric.  I cannot wait to go buy the Christmas print.

Craig's birthday hat.

My Halloween quilt strips.

Strips waiting to be sewn!
Now I'll end my night with the Walking Dead and Water for Elephants (the book, so far I love it!)  I'm going to try and update more frequently from now on!

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