Wednesday, November 16, 2011

yesterday i...

Yesterday I was fairly productive.  In list form (I'm all about lists lately, not sure why):

  • My mom got the doctor to FINALLY prescribe me something to help with my hives.
  • I finished sewing all my Halloween rectangles, am going to start pressing them today and cutting triangles tomorrow!
  • I learned that going to Wegman's is absolutely out of the question unless I want to spend all of my money.  That store is too much for my discipline.  Yesterday I got Country Pumpkin Granola and Pumpkin seeds and have been snacking on them all day.
  • Spent entirely too much money at the Clymb.  For anyone who'd like an invite, here you go!  If you're unfamiliar with the site, it's a an outdoorsy website that majorly discounts products for limited time.  The brands and items usually change every few days and are typically discounted 50-60%.
  • I made Cucumber Cups Stuffed with Spicy Crab!  This recipe was super easy and very good, although not very spicy.  For those who like spicier foods, I'd add extra hot sauce, I could barely taste it when I used the amount suggested!

Picture by

Sunday, November 13, 2011

long time, no posting.

Once again, I am a terrible blogger.  I spent the entire summer trying to be outside as much as possible and as a result, I made next to nothing.  Now that Christmas is coming/it is getting colder, I've started crafting again!

A lot has happened since my last post and I will try and keep it brief:

  • I finished my first quilt! (Pics to come soon, it's at my parents house..)
  • I started my second quilt (tonight actually!  Using this Moda recipe and am loving it so far)
  • I ran my first 10k and registered for the Disney Princess Half Marathon (I also convinced my mom to do the 5k with me!)  I also destroyed my foot doing the 10k and haven't been able to run since, I'm hoping to start again tomorrow.  
  • I bought a cyclocross bike and a mountain bike and having begun riding again.
  • I continued rock climbing and spent 3 days camping and climbing in the woods of West Virginia.
  • I created a really epic pattern for a chalk bucket, made one and will never make it again!
  • I've discovered a really horrible allergy to....something.  I have no idea, but I've had hives for the last month and may actually go insane due to the itchyness.

Now I'll give you a visual of some of the items on that list!
Craig and I's mountain bikes!  Mine is the blue, Craig's is the pink.  We don't conform to gender stereotypes :D

Wicked 10k, Virginia Beach right after I finished and right before the downpour!

Start of the race!
Cooper's Rock, WV.  Photo by Joslyn McKenzie.
Cooper's Rock, WV.  Photo by Joslyn McKenzie.
My lovely chalk bucket!  I LOVE this fabric.  I cannot wait to go buy the Christmas print.

Craig's birthday hat.

My Halloween quilt strips.

Strips waiting to be sewn!
Now I'll end my night with the Walking Dead and Water for Elephants (the book, so far I love it!)  I'm going to try and update more frequently from now on!

Monday, May 30, 2011


I had such a good Memorial Day weekend.  Probably the best one I've had ever because it's the first time I've actually done something.  Spent Saturday in Philly, Sunday at the beach and today climbing Governor Stable.  Being outside so much leaves little time for creating anything but hopefully I'll finish up my Mom's present soon.  

Last week I made pretty epic cupcakes to take climbing! 

Lime cupcakes.  The lime ones ended up being this radioactive tennis ball green that looks pretty cool.  In my opinion, they were much better than the Cookies and Cream but not everyone agreed with that.

And now for some climbing pictures.  Today was an open climb day which means we only had to pay $10 for a day pass and we could climb for however long we wanted.  It's actually the first time I've climbed outdoors and was it hell on my hands.  

Finishing an easy V0.

Kyle climbing a v3.

Jared finishing a V1 (I think...)


Epically high and scary V0.

Craig sending a slopey top out.

This problem ripped my finger tips apart.  Gah.

Hopefully there will be another open climb day soon!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

still working.

I'm still working on my secret project, which most people have figured out is my Mom's mother's day present.  I'm past the planning stages and now in the putting together stages!

I don't have much else to share except my Christmas 2010/Birthday 2011 present from my friend Kyle Dunn.  This is the person that Leonidas the Lion was for.

New hand-stitched leather wallet!  My old wallet is beyond old and gross, so now I have this lovely new one.  It's pretty much the perfect size, there's room for everything I need to carry, as well as the zipper pocket which is a requirement for me.  I'm pretty amazed at how great this turned out, he's really quite talented.

I also made cupcakes for my climbing partner today!  Completely from scratch, banana cupcakes with Nutella frosting.  In all honesty, the frosting is disgusting but it's what he wanted.  I mostly just really hate Nutella.  I got the recipe here.  I've spent some time searching around that blog and found great recipes.  I've already made one of the pasta recipes and have ingredients for another.  Next weekend I believe I'm going to try out the lime cupcakes!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

i am the worst blogger ever.

That may not actually be true....mostly because I'm only working on two projects and one is TOP SECRET (as the person it is for looks at this page, so no hints until it is done!)

I'm reinforcing the velcro on the bouldering crash pads at Climbnasium right now.  They've offered to pay me for it (or comp me a monthly membership or two..) and I'm going to Chicago next week and could use some extra cash!  However, bouldering pads are huge and this is a pain in the ass.  My kitchen is a hot mess right now because of all the foam bits and pieces coming off of the pad cover.

Needless to say, I can't wait until I finish this project...

Sunday, April 10, 2011


So I've used my new sewing machines for two projects this week!  

First, I made curtains for my bathroom.  Nothing overly difficult, just hemmed some fabric, mostly to get a feel for the machine. 

Second, I used this tutorial from Stitched In Color (which is one of my favorite blogs to read) to make a quilted pillow cover.  This is the first time I've EVER quilted anything, so of course I dove right in and free motion quilted both pillow top and bottom.  I tried to do this looped meandering stitch, but it is far from perfect.  I chose thread that matched the fabric so the many imperfections are not really noticeable.  Also instead of making a LOVE pillow (I'm mostly an ant-Valentine's Day type), I stitched part of my blog header onto it because I really like that design.  The zipper isn't great, but the invisible zipper tutorial within the pillow tutorial is phenomenal and I suggest everyone bookmark it for future reference!

(this is the best picture I could get of the quilting =/)

Next up is a quilted chalk bucket that my friend Lauren in Nashville helped draft a pattern for!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

spring things!

I haven't been blogging or crafting lately because honestly, I've had a pretty terrible week.  I made the decision to let my kittens permanently live at my grandparents home for several reasons, but mostly because I was never home to spend time with them and I felt bad.  My grandfather LOVES these cats, so I know they have the best home ever, but it has not been fun adjusting an empty apartment again.

My mom knew I was upset so today we went out and had a whole day that resulted in lots of colorful, spring-like, happy purchases made by me.  I've decided to share them to make up for the lack of finished projects (although I'm back on track with my hexagons and only have 12 to go!)

First, because I don't have kittens anymore, I can have plants and flowers again.  A long time ago, my grandmother decided to get both my mom and I a potted flower bulb for Christmas every year in two different colors.  This year my mom's bloomed and mine didn't but it turned into a pretty cool plant.  My mom has also gotten into the habit of getting me some kind of grow-y thing for Christmas so I planted her bulbs about 2 weeks ago and they've bloomed!  Very pretty looking in my kitchen, right next to my falcon screen prints I did in college.

We went to Ikea last week and she also got me my wonderful money tree that's holding up my new Bret Easton Ellis book that's waiting to be read.  We got a jade plant and some daisies and later in the week she surprised me with tulips (one of my favorites)!

I started my little crochet corner as well, and have my T-rex, octopod and Amy's (The Mad Crafter) little yeti all on display!

We got these little egg holders that are standing to guard my avocado pit that I'm trying to coax into growing.  I also got this awesome wind chime that's more than adorable, hanging in my room.

Got some pretty colored frames as well for two of my favorite pictures.  My grandfather and I in New York with the Twin Towers in the background and my father, myself and his first lab Cedar at Christmas!

BUT my pride and joy purchase was this guy....

my new Baby Lock sewing machine!  Oooo I'm so excited to start playing with it.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

another chalk bag.

I've not been feeling very crafty lately.  I've also been climbing four times a week so it's hard to find time for anything else other than sleeping besides work.  I did make my climbing partner a chalk bag though!  I've pretty much perfected this pattern, and I'm real happy about that at least.

It matches his shoes, just like he wanted!

It's amazing to see these transform by felting.  I casted on the same number of stitches as I did for my bag, only I made it four rows shorter and felted it for 30 minutes longer and the size difference is incredible!  He requested a smaller bag than mine so this was all somewhat planned out but to see it happen is nuts.  Now I'm off to break up the kittens who've decided to wrestle nonstop for the past 30 minutes.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

3/11 hats in 2011!

I finished the flapper hat.  I'm not excited because I don't really like.  I also finished the chalk bag and I love it!  

First the hat...

I really loved this pattern when I first saw it online.  In fact, it's one of the first patterns I favorite'd on Ravelry.  But my yarn choice did not mesh well with the intended design.  I don't know what I'm going to do with it now, maybe my parents can figure out someone who wants it?

Second the chalk bag...

This bag is going to be used!  In fact, I'm going climbing tomorrow and it'll make its debut.  All of the adjustments and picking at the pattern were so worth it.  I'm going to cast on another for Craig soon, I got the yarn he wanted today.  I'm pretty excited for these!

Third the cats...

My cats are little camera hogs.  Well Rivers is, Eli not so much.  Here is a picture of both of them being adorable and after the jump you can see a whole lot of adorable if you should choose to!

Happy week everyone!